Handoyo Sutanto
Lyrid Inc.
Past 15 years, Handoyo has built and delivered various infrastructure project that utilizes the public cloud to maintaining bare metal hardware for many Enterprise Software on different verticals. He understood the enterprise challenges of balance between agility, and innovation with security, portability, and cloud vendor-locking. Past 2 years, this father of 2 has been focusing on developing a company with a fresh look at what it means to run a scalable infrastructure using cloud-native technologies, but still be a cloud-agnostic. He built a platform from the ground-up utilizing his cloud-agnostic approach. This translates to a distributed serverless computing ecosystem that can be managed, deployed, and controlled to any datacenter. He is on a mission to spread his cloud-agnostic view and disrupt the landscape of the enterprise ecosystem by introducing probabilities to technologies that usually require to run on a specific public cloud platform, and blurring boundaries between cloud vendors.