PANEL: Next Generation(s) of Customer Experience
Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Wayne Butterfield
Danni Rush CCO Virgin Experience Days
Akhila Harinarayan Analyst ISG
Alex Mead Chief Customer Service Officer Digital FinTech
Chris Herzog Senior Data Scientist Mars
Danni Rush CCO Virgin Experience Days
Akhila Harinarayan Analyst ISG
Alex Mead Chief Customer Service Officer Digital FinTech
Chris Herzog Senior Data Scientist Mars
Consumers can be grouped into several main groupings – the greatest generation, baby boomers, gen x, y (millennials), and z – and catering to them all at once can be challenging. Each have their own needs. Clearly, millennials want to use their phones/devices to do as much as they can. That can’t always be said for all generations. Companies have to strike a balance as they accommodate different customer groups. At the same time, companies have to carefully consider what is automated and internet-enabled, so they don’t lose the competitive edge that human interaction can often provide.
Voice of the Customer
Day 1- Track 2