10:00 AM - 10:15 AM (EDT)Welcome to the 2021 ISG TechXchange: Health Sciences Event

Welcome to  ISG Virtual TechXchange: Health Sciences event - an immersive, two-day event that explores the evolving healthcare and life-science ecosystem. From developing patient-centric approaches and strategies to put interoperability at the heart of your organization; utilizing emerging innovations to rapidly respond to shifts in patient and payer expectations, and leveraging the effects of pandemic-forced innovation, this is an event you can't afford to miss. ISG's Bob Krohn & Jenn Stein will set the stage for the day, before taking a look at the direction these two industries are heading.

Bob Krohn Jennifer Stein 
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT) KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: What Happens If We Fail to Change Dr. Robert Pearl 
11:00 AM - 11:40 AM (EDT)ISG ROUNDTABLE INSIGHTS: Industry Health Check

One year on and where do we stand?  Innovation catalyzed by the pandemic dissolved traditional boundaries. Now, that same innovation is redefining what's possible and set the stage for what's to come. Before we spend the rest of the event looking forward, let's take a moment to realign. In this interactive roundtable discussion, ISG expert advisors share the following takeaways:

  • What fundamental market shifts have we encountered in the last 12-months?
  • Financial Health-Check - Cutting Costs for Digital or Operating Expenses
  • What does the market look like for payers, providers, and solution partners?
Bob Krohn Jennifer Stein James Burke Tony Mataya Randy Tucker 
11:40 AM - 11:45 AM (EDT)INNOVATION LAB   
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM (EDT)PANEL DISCUSSION: Technology Trends to Drive Healthcare Outcomes

Understanding how to prioritize, operationalize and embed emerging technologies in care delivery is a key concern for many healthcare organizations. This is further accelerated by changing healthcare consumer behaviour requiring organizations to accelerate their digital transformation journey. Here, leaders in payers, providers and Healthcare IT share their view on key trends shaping the industry and guiding their internal digital transformation initiatives. In addition, we discuss the imperatives of these key trends and the best practices for engagement between a Health IT and a Healthcare delivery organization for a meaningful and outcome oriented partnership.

Ivan Durbak Shafiq Rab G.T. SweeneyPANEL DISCUSSION: Technology Trends to Drive Healthcare Outcomes

These sessions provide demonstrations of innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of business.

12:30 PM - 12:45 PM (EDT)ISG PREDICTS: Connected Systems and Transformed Experiences

Interoperability plays a key role in the future of health. Government regulations are making it a requirement leaving steadfast opposition no choice but to acquiesce. Interoperability drives connected care by collating genetic, environmental, patient-generated health data and existing health records to paint a holistic picture of an individual’s health. In short, its driving digital transformation and paving the way for a new future. In this session, ISG’s xx outlines the benefits, challenges, and the future of interoperability in Health Care and Life Sciences. 

James Burke 
12:45 PM - 12:50 PM (EDT)INNOVATION LAB   
12:50 PM - 1:20 PM (EDT)FEATURED PRESENTATION: Accelerating the Adoption of Decentralized Clinical Trials

Technology advancements, broad-based commercialization of wearables and sensors, and the impact of a global pandemic are proving to be pivotal in the shift towards decentralized clinical trials. The ability for remote, unobtrusive and real-time capture of patient data coupled with the need to reduce in-person contact is accelerating the life sciences industry’s interest in new approaches to clinical trials. This use of sensors and real-time data capture vastly improves the quality of clinical data with the potential to reduce site queries and monitoring visits. There is also unprecedented accessibility to vast volumes of patient data – and the ability to apply artificial intelligence and machine learning in the analysis of that data – all powering new safety and clinical insights. In this session, Cognizant will explore current state of technology, the impact of regulatory oversight, and readiness of the industry to drive necessary changes.

Bryan Hill Larissa ComisFEATURED PRESENTATION: Accelerating the Adoption of Decentralized Clinical Trials

These sessions provide demonstrations of innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of business.

1:35 PM - 1:57 PM (EDT)INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT PRESENTATION: From Data to Decision -  The Value of Clinical Content Expertise in Healthcare Data Science.

The healthcare industry’s digital infrastructure is at a disruptive inflection point as two major market forces converge:  1) COVID has highlighted that legacy infrastructure is not nimble enough to quickly address changing needs; and 2) the drive by government and commercial players to transition to interoperability and FHIR standards on an expedited basis. A common theme is arising as this new digital infrastructure is being built: Deep clinical expertise and knowledge needs to be built into these new ecosystems up front, rather than as an afterthought. In this session, hear from a leader in clinical content data science and analytics on this new landscape. 

Topics include:

  • Value based care and incorporating timely, relevant, and actionable measures analytics into healthcare workflows 
  • Identification and prediction of gaps in care with the ability to intervene in care delivery
  • The critical nature of including clinical content expertise in the development of AI/ML applications that solve real-world problems
  • The importance of bringing “science” back into data science to properly remove bias and achieve better results
  • Bridging the divide between the data, technology, and decision makers 
James Burke Matt Gillingham 
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM (EDT)FEATURED PRESENTATION: Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Mergers And Acquisitions?

While mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures (M, A & D) offer multiple advantages like achieving economies of scale, the transactions that occur around these deals are extremely complex. Based on our experience, typically 1% of the revenue is at risk.

Genpact Regulatory Affairs, a leader in life sciences Global Regulatory Services, has deep experience helping clients prepare for Day One readiness. We enable a smooth transition that cuts across Regulatory, Supply Chain, and Quality to ensure continuity of service, while minimizing supply disruption and maintaining compliance.

Join our Genpact Regulatory Affairs experts as they share a unique, industry-leading perspective on how to manage M, A & D challenges by bringing the Regulatory, Quality, and Supply functions together.

In this presentation, you’ll get insights on:

  • Maintaining global compliance during a large-scale transformation
  • Accelerating your integration/divestiture/join venture timelines via methodologies, accelerators and cloud-based solutions
  • Minimizing disruption in your supply chain
Rajiv Naidu Kevin Webb Kyle FliszarFEATURED PRESENTATION: Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Mergers And Acquisitions?
2:30 PM - 2:35 PM (EDT)Day 1 Closing Thoughts   
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM (EDT)Welcome to Day Two of the 2021 ISG TechXchange: Health Sciences Event

Welcome back to Day Two of the ISG TechXchange: Health Sciences Event. After some fantastic insights into User Experience and Interoperability, today's content will focus on our final two themes - intelligent health and the future of health sciences. From first-class keynote speakers to expert panelists and ISG Insights, we look forward to spending the morning with you for part two of the ISG TechXchange: Health Sciences Event

Bob Krohn Jennifer Stein 
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)OPENING KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: From Tranditional Primary Care Models to Direct to Consumer Healthcare Channels- The Evolution of Care Dr. Patrick Carroll 
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM (EDT)LIVE: Cybersecurity in Health Care: Preparing for a Promising and Secure Future
 Health care is on the brink of many seismic shifts. Innovations and external factors will continue to elevate and introduce new risks. Now more than ever, it is imperative for cybersecurity and privacy to become fully integrated, by design, in the piloting and deployment of new health care services and solutions.   In this session, Deloitte’s Adnan Amjad and ISG’s Doug Saylors discuss how all industry players are beholden to responsibly embrace the drivers of change and the challenges to come, not only to deliver on the promise of the future of health, but also to enable a safe and secure tomorrow.
Jimmy Joseph 

These sessions provide demonstrations of innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of business.

12:00 PM - 12:22 PM (EDT)FIRESIDE CHAT: Considerations for Automation Adoption - Is It Worth It?

Historically, healthcare and life science organizations have been slow to adopt automation. However, over the past year both industries have significantly increased their investment and scaling of intelligent automation to streamline and accelerate business process including expedited drug delivery, lead more integrated clinical trials all the while reducing human error and cost. But automation adoption is no easy feat. 

In this session, hear from an early adopter of automation as they share their journey with this technology. From initial implementation, leadership education, engagement and support, discover the considerations they wish they knew at launch. From there, what’s next as business agility increases, business objectives are met and operations scale at an unprecedented rate.  

Jennifer Stein Nik Morton 
12:22 PM - 12:50 PM (EDT)FIRESIDE CHAT: Beyond the Pill - The Future of Pharma

Historically slow to adapt, the pharma industry acted fast when the pandemic hit. Vaccines were developed in an unprecedented amount of time and robust supply chains quickly distributed the new drugs around the world showing the possibility that pandemic-forced innovation holds. While no small feat, pharma companies achieved the unthinkable all the while managing the workforce safely and navigating government restrictions. 

Now it’s time to look at what’s next and brace for unavoidable market transformations. While individual companies will drive many of these changes, some will be driven by industry-wide and external factors, including government involvement. 

In this session, ISG’s Jenn Stein and Bayer’s Melissa Saw analyze the changes that have occurred over the past 15 months and lay down predictions of what’s to come. 

Key Takeaways include:

  • What changes in the general healthcare sector have occurred as a result of the pandemic?
  • What challenges do pharma companies need to overcome in order to advance post-pandemic? 
  • What implications does this have on patient and consumer groups and healthcare professionals? 
  • How are patient and consumer expectations shifting, and what are pharma companies doing to address them?
  • What are pharma companies doing to reinvent their relevance? 
  • What opportunities can be learned from consumer marketplaces and tech giants like Amazon that are shaping our industry?
Jennifer Stein Melissa Saw 
12:50 PM - 1:05 PM (EDT)ISG INSIGHTS: Next Generation Patient Experience - 2021 and Beyond

With the rise in consumerism and shift to value-based care, healthcare organizations must improve the ways in which they communicate, interact, and engage with their patients. Improved digital interactions will increase patient satisfaction, engagement, and wellness. In the long term, it will improve patient outcomes while driving down the overall costs of healthcare. Learning what we have about Interoperability and Intelligent Health across all aspects of the health sciences ecosystem, what does this mean for patient experience in 2021 and beyond? 

John Boccuzzi Jr JOHN WESTFIELD 
1:05 PM - 1:35 PM (EDT)INTERVIEW: Takeda's IT Infrastructure Transformation Journey

In 2020 Takeda implemented a Unified Infrastructure Management Services (UIMS) program to position themselves as a global, values-based, R&D driven biopharmaceutical company. UIMS created a consolidated, harmonized, IT infrastructure that benefitted both core technology and user experience within Takeda. 

In this session, ISG’s Randy Tucker interviews Joel Tucker and Pat Fuller, two key orchestrators in the project. From pre-planning, collaboration, and executive sponsorship, discover the key considerations for undertaking a project of this nature while keeping the key wins of a simplified user experience, streamlined IT operations, reduced costs insight. 

Randy Tucker Joel Tucker Pat Fuller 
1:35 PM - 2:05 PM (EDT)FIRESIDE CHAT: Building Healthcare’s Digital Front Door

Patients want the same conveniences from healthcare organizations that they enjoy from major consumer brands. To deliver voice and digital experiences to patients across their journey, Nuance is building an AI-powered patient engagement platform to power healthcare’s digital front door. In this fireside chat, Peter Durlach, EVP & Chief Strategy Officer, Nuance Communications will describe the vision, technologies, and tools behind an omni-channel customer engagement platform that will transform access to, and delivery of, care in the modern age of digital medicine.

James Burke Peter Durlach 
2:05 PM - 2:10 PM (EDT)INNOVATION LAB   
2:10 PM - 2:40 PM (EDT)PANEL: Blurring The Lines Between Healthcare & Life Science Companies - Working Together To Achieve The Future of Health

Healthcare, as we know it, has been redefined by pandemic-forced innovation at rate of change that is unlikely to slow.  With patient wearables, intelligent health systems, interconnected devices, and advanced data analytics taking a dominant hold - a shift from ‘health care’ to ‘health’ is underway.

As science, data and technology continue to advance, the lines between healthcare and life science companies will begin to blur and, together, will start to deliver a wellness-focused approach to care.  

In this session, hear from the pioneers leading the change. 

Tony Mataya Melissa Saw 
2:40 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT)FINAL THOUGHTS: Turning Notes Into Action

After two days of great content, what do you do with it? ISG’s Bob Krohn and Jenn Stein will provide guidance on how to hyper-accelerate your digital transformation efforts which will help to drive the future of health!

Bob Krohn Jennifer Stein 
Time Zone: (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) [Change Time Zone]